Second Saturday Volunteers

20th Anniversary Celebration

August 28, 2024

5:30 pm

Livable Hawaii Kai Hui 20th Anniversary Celebration

In 2004, a group of neighbors founded Livable Hawaii Kai Hui ("LHKH") to protect the farmers of Kamilonui Valley, one of the last remaining agricultural communities in Maunalua, from urban encroachment. Our founders subsequently realized that many other quality-of-life and environmental issues needed to be addressed in Maunalua.

In 2024, LHKH is now the steward of over 500 acres of conservation, agricultural, and cultural lands encompassing Hāwea Heiau Complex & Keawāwa Wetland, Aloha 'Āina 'O Kamilo Nui Nursery,  Paikо̄ Ridge, and the Kaiwi Mauka Lands.

At our 20th anniversary celebration, we are honored to welcome special guest Ka'iulani Sodaro, Trust For Public Land Hawaii Program Advisory Board Chair. Ka'iulani will be sharing remarks to commemorate our years of wonderful partnership with The Trust For Public Land. Please join us for a casual evening to celebrate 20 years of protecting the 'āina of Maunalua through volunteerism, stewardship, and education.

  • When: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 (5:30-8 p.m.)
  • Where: Off The Wall Kakaako (1170 Auahi St Suite 140, Honolulu, HI 96814)
    • Heavy pupus provided
    • No-Host beverages
  • Tickets: $50 donation at time of RSVP, through PayPal (click here) or check made out to Livable Hawaii Kai Hui, memo line: "20th Anniversary" (mailing address: PO Box 25493, Honolulu, HI 96825)
  • RSVP below
Off The Wall Craft Beer & Wine
1170 Auahi St Suite 140, Honolulu, HI 96814

Located in South Shore Market

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Off The Wall Craft Beer & Wine




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